Maximizing Cost Efficiency in the Cloud for Omics Data Analyses
Discover effective strategies to optimize cost efficiency in the cloud and maximize your return on investment.
Anyone working in omics knows (or quickly finds out) that managing cloud spend can be a challenge. In this webinar for developers, administrators and/or technical users, we'll present some key strategies for managing and reducing spend to ensure that your organization is maximizing return on investment (ROI) across projects or therapeutic areas.
Key Points:
- Discuss how to leverage developer tools to reduce spend while balancing the need to get things done in a timely manner.
- Share some examples of how different organizations are implementing cost optimization techniques.
- Preview some exciting new features from DNAnexus for managing project spend and setting budget limits.
Please fill out the form to access the on-demand recording.

Dr. Fabian Grandke
Solution Science Director
About Dr. Fabian Grandke
Fabian joined DNAnexus in 2022 as Solutions Science Director based in Germany supporting our customers in the EMEA region. Fabian has a broad range of experience in the life science field spanning from microbiome research, over plant and animal breeding to precision medicine. He has built open-source software packages and authored numerous scientific publications. He holds B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD degrees in bioinformatics from the Technical University of Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Fabian won an Early-Stage-Researcher scholarship by the European Union and held positions in Genetwister Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Eagle Genomics before joining DNAnexus in his current role.

Aubree Hoover
Platform Market Director
About Aubree Hoover